Daniel Martín
By Daniel Martín on July 09, 2024

Top 5 Summer HR Challenges in the UK and How to Overcome Them

Summertime often presents unique challenges for businesses, including holiday scheduling conflicts, employee retention issues, and remote work management difficulties. Here are some strategies to overcome these obstacles:
  1. Holiday Scheduling during Summer
It can be challenging to manage multiple vacation requests during summer without impacting productivity. To address this:
  • Advance Planning: Encourage employees to submit their holiday requests early.
  • Staggered Scheduling: Implement a first-come, first-served policy or a system that evenly distributes time off.
  • Temporary Staffing: Hire temporary workers or interns to cover critical roles during peak holiday periods.
  • Cross-Training: Train employees to handle various tasks, ensuring essential functions are covered when key team members are away.
  1. Employee Retention in Summer
Summer may increase turnover as employees seek new opportunities or depart for personal reasons. To combat this:
  • Engagement Programmes: Organise summer-specific activities, such as team-building events or flexible working hours.
  • Retention Bonuses: Offer incentives for employees who stay through the summer.
  • Career Development: Provide training and development opportunities to keep employees motivated and invested in their roles.
  • Open Communication: Regularly check in with employees to understand their needs and address concerns.
Using software like OpenHR can help identify potential issues early by facilitating regular surveys, tracking performance, and managing training programmes.
  1. Remote Work Management during Summer
Managing a distributed workforce can be challenging when employees opt for remote work during summer. To tackle this:
  • Clear Policies: Establish remote work guidelines that outline expectations, communication protocols, and performance metrics.
  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular video meetings to maintain engagement and connectivity among remote employees.
  • Technology Tools: Utilise collaboration tools to facilitate communication and project management among remote teams.
  • Flexibility: Offer flexible working hours for different time zones and personal schedules.
By addressing these summer-related challenges, businesses can maintain productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall success throughout the season.
  1. Decreased Productivity
The warm weather and vacation mindset can lead to decreased motivation among employees. Distractions from summer activities and events can further exacerbate this issue, making it difficult for employees to stay focused and productive. To address this: 
  • Create a flexible work schedule or allow remote work to accommodate summer activities.
  • Organise team-building events or summer outings to boost morale.
  • Set clear, short-term goals to keep employees focused.
  • Offer incentives for meeting performance targets during the summer months.

  1. Onboarding seasonal employees
Challenges include quickly integrating seasonal or temporary staff into the team and ensuring these employees are adequately trained and aware of company policies. To combat this: 
  • Develop a streamlined onboarding process specifically for seasonal hires.
  • Provide comprehensive training and resources to help them get up to speed quickly.
  • Assign mentors or buddies to help new hires integrate smoothly into the workplace.


How OpenHR can help your company overcome summer HR challenges
OpenHR, a comprehensive HR software, can effectively address common summer HR challenges such as remote work management, leave scheduling, onboarding and employee retention. Here's how:
OpenHR can store and communicate remote work policies to ensure all employees are aware of the guidelines. The software can track work hours and productivity for remote employees, helping managers ensure that work is being completed. It can integrate with various communication and project management tools to streamline collaboration among remote teams. 
Additionally, OpenHR can automate leave request and approval process, providing a clear view of who is on leave and when. The software can alert managers to potential scheduling conflicts, helping to prevent resource shortages. 
Employees can also use the self-service portal to check their leave balance, submit requests, and see the status of their requests online.
OpenHR can streamline the onboarding process for seasonal employees by providing comprehensive training modules, tracking completion, and ensuring all new hires are quickly integrated and familiar with company policies.
Benefits of Using OpenHR Software
OpenHR software provides a comprehensive solution to address these common summer HR issues effectively:
  • Centralised Data Management: All employee data, leave requests, and performance metrics are stored in one place, making it easy to manage and access information.

  • Automation: Automating routine HR tasks reduces the administrative burden on HR teams, allowing them to focus on strategic initiatives.

  • Real-Time Insights: The software provides real-time people analytics and reports, helping managers make informed decisions quickly.

  • Scalability: OpenHR can scale with your organisation, accommodating growing teams and changing HR needs.

  • Compliance: The software ensures compliance with labour laws and company policies, reducing the risk of legal issues.
With OpenHR, organisations can effectively manage holiday scheduling, improve employee retention, and streamline remote work management, ultimately leading to a more productive and engaged workforce during the summer months.